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Table 2 Descriptive data on health-related quality of life measured with the EQ-5D-5L index and the EQ VAS at baseline, 3- and 9-months follow-up and the mean change in the EQ-5D-5L index and the EQ VAS from baseline to 3- and 9-months follow-up

From: Empowerment and enablement and their associations with change in health-related quality of life after a supported osteoarthritis self-management programme – a prospective observational study


Baseline (n=119)

3 months follow-up (n=109)

9 months follow-up (n=119)

Mean change baseline to 3 months (n=109)

95% CIc


d e

Mean change baseline to 9 months (n=119)

95% CIc



Mean (SD)


.810 (.128)

.852 (.118)

.832 (.127)


.02, .06




.00, .04




68.9 (19.2)

72.7 (19.4)

71.9 (17.2)


.97, 6.1




-.04, 6.0



  1. atotal score range 0–1
  2. btotal score range 0–100
  3. cCI= confidence interval for mean change baseline to 3 and 9 months respectively
  4. dsignificance level p<.05, p-value for mean change baseline to 3 and 9 months respectively analysed with paired sample t-test
  5. e d= Cohen´s d (effect size)