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Table 2 Complications tracking chart

From: Protocol for a multicenter, randomised controlled trial of surgeon-directed home therapy vs. outpatient rehabilitation by physical therapists for reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: the SHORT trial



Acromial or scapular spine stress fracture

Diagnosed clinically with following findings:

1. Sharp pain referred to the acromion/scapular spine worse with deltoid activation;

2. Tenderness with palpation of the acromion/scapular spine.


Radiographically confirmed dislocation of the articulating surfaces.


“Definite” or “Probable” periprosthetic infection as diagnosed by the ICM criteria [46].

Nerve palsy

Impairment of an ipsilateral upper extremity nerve as detected by loss of sensation or a reduction in motor strength in the distribution of a particular peripheral nerve

Other (related to surgery) Explain

Any other complication related to the study shoulder (eg. prosthetic loosening, mechanical dissociation, periprosthetic fracture)

Other (adverse event, unrelated to surgery) Explain

Unanticipated presentation to a hospital, urgent care, or physician’s office for any reason not categorized above within 90 days post surgery.