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Table 1 Exercise Prescription and patient education program

From: Effectiveness of face-to-face physiotherapy training and education for women who are undergoing elective caesarean section: a randomized controlled trial

Time interval

Plan of care

1.During 1st 24 h

‑ Thoracic expansion exercises; wound support and breathing (to improve exchange of gases)

‑ Protected Huffing technique (to remove secretions)

‑ Simple leg exercises (to improve blood circulation and relax calf muscles)

2. From 1st post-operative day to the day of discharge

‑ Deep breathing exercise for wind pain (to relieve pain improve exchange of gases)

‑ Support the incision with a pillow when coughing, moving, or breastfeeding, as well as education on incisional care and injury risk (to reduce incision-related pain when coughing, moving, or breastfeeding).

‑ Ankle pumps and leg sliding (to improve blood circulation and relax calf muscles)

‑ Pelvic rolling and abdominal wall setting exercise (to stimulate intestinal activity, contract abdominal muscles and prevent or control gas pain)

Patient education regarding postural adjustments, particularly on child care, body mechanics instructions, positioning for activities of daily living, and education on getting in and out of bed (to correct posture and protect activities of daily living).

‑ Education on risk factors and types of pelvic floor dysfunction (to prevent pelvic floor dysfunction)