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Table 2 Terminology for Motor Learning & Practice Schedules

From: A framework for rehabilitation for older adults living with dementia

Declarative / Explicit Learning

Integrating cognitive strategies with motor practice (e.g., attention to & awareness of movement, verbally describing / narrating movement, reflecting on / assessing movement, comparing to previous performance)

Repetitive Practice:

Multiple recurring trials of movement strategy

Consistent Practice:

Similar movement strategy from trial to trial

Constant Practice:

Similar task parameters from trial to trial (e.g., practice sit to stand from favorite chair)

Variable Practice:

Different task parameters from trial to trial (e.g., practice sit to stand from multiple chairs of varying surface, height, compliance, & stability)

Blocked Practice:

Cluster and complete trials for one task prior to moving to next task (e.g., complete transfer training before initiating gait training)

Random Practice:

Intermingle task activities within practice session (e.g., integrate mobility, transfer, and gait activities throughout session)

Massed Practice:

More practice than rest in a session

Distributed Practice:

More rest than practice in a session